¡Thank you for scheduling your STRATEGIC CALL!

Please read the following Instructions

1. Stay on top of your WhatsApp/Phone (we'll contact you to confirm your call).

2. We'll call you to make sure you're the kind of person we can help.

3. Understand the cost of not being a PMP (Watch video).

4. Look at success stories to build confidence in your mind that this is going to work.

Understand the cost of not being a PMP®

Doing it on your own keeps you where you are, stop doing that. It has a BIG opportunity cost.

Getting certified as a PMP is not FREE. Either you pay to avoid mistakes and save time, or you pay the cost and time of TRIAL AND ERROR. And I assure you that the second is more expensive.

✅ You stop earning this MONEY for every year you let pass.

average salary of PMP®: 100,000 USD /Year

✅ The TIME you spend on your preparation without achieving results

6 months of theoretical course duration plus 3 to 6 months of preparation.

Amost 12 months with no guarantee of results

With us you can get certified in 15 to 30 days with 100% guarantee

More cases of SUCCESS

After taking the PMP exam